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Spearfishing for Yellowfin Tuna in Costa Rica: A True Test of Teamwork

The ocean tests our limits, spearfishing tests our teamwork, and both make our relationship stronger 🤿

Our recent spearfishing adventure for yellowfin tuna in Costa Rica was an exhilarating challenge. I worked incredibly hard for this tuna! I shot at 4-5 tunas, and one of them was almost 200lbs according to CJ. Unfortunately, they all ripped off or barely poked the fish because I was just a little too far. Despite the frustration, I did some of my best diving.

On my last dive of the day, I went down to 43ft to hunt. After 45 seconds, I surfaced, completely out of breath. After 30 dives, I didn’t have another one in me. But CJ, determined as ever, went for a few more dives and managed to get his personal best, a 100lbs yellowfin tuna. I was there for the assist and helped put the second shot in the head. We fought it to the surface for almost 40 minutes, with manta rays and dolphins swimming by, making the experience even more magical.

This adventure taught me so much about the challenges and rewards of tuna diving. Now I know what to expect, and next time, I’m confident I’ll put one on the boat! This experience not only tested our skills but also strengthened our bond, proving once again that teamwork is key in the ocean.

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