“You will know i’m home when you see my eyes glow the way they do when i’m in the ocean.”
Home after 5 weeks of pure bliss with family, friends & the ocean
Such a reward to come home from vacation and feel nothing but gratitude towards the ocean and all of the life it brings.
I don’t understand people who feel sad after a trip or try to make me feel bad that I’m coming back « to reality». This is reality. Just because I live in Montreal for now doesn’t mean that it’s not real.
“The people who say you are not facing reality actually mean that you are not facing their idea of reality.”
Coming back from a trip always makes me think about what is a ‘‘home’’. Is it your city? The roof over your head? The people you love?
What is it about new places that make them feel like home? For me, its a tall palm, clear seas & open skies...
I like to think that we are all born in random places of the world and as we grow older we unearth pieces of us that makes us who we are. And once we do this, we are able to attach ourselves to parts of the world that make us feel like we are home.
We are all given a place to grow up at the start of our lives, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be connected to somewhere else, somewhere farther away, somewhere your dreams come true and you become the best version of yourself.
Have you ever thought about where in the world you might be the happiest and healthiest? I think it’s an important question to ask yourself and it’s important for the world. Happy and healthy people are people who can share happiness and health! That’s exactly what the world needs right more of right now.
It’s so timely that I just watched this Ted Talk titles ‘‘What is a Home?’’ I thought the speaker, Pico Iyer, made a few good points, he said that home can be ‘‘whatever you carry inside you’’ but it can also be ‘‘the place where you become yourself’’ and in the end you also become a little mix of all of those places. He also compared traveling to being in love because it’s like all your senses are on, it gives you new sights and when you come back even your home looks different.
Here are a few pictures of my home on Bonaire these past weeks. Waking up and going to sleep to the sound of the ocean was truly magical. It made me realize how quiet the city really is.
If you want more info about where I stayed, visit One Ocean Bonaire.